How Do I Pay With Grams?

6 years ago

According to the Telegram creators, Gram will become the cryptocurrency for the TON payment system. There's going to be a built-in wallet within the messenger itself, and it will allow you to pay with Gram in online stores that operate directly in the Telegram system. Looks like there's going to be a whole new economy filled with goods and services that will be paid with the Gram cryptocurrency. 

Now, we are not talking about the offline purchases like Apple Pay. However, it's likely that the small business owners, such as cafes, will accept Gram. Besides, some companies already accept cryptocurrency.

The point of creating the Telegram cryptocurrency is to implement daily payments for mass use. So, technically, paying with Grams is going to be as easy as paying with the regular bank card. But don't forget this: in many countries where the cryptocurrency is banned, the only means of payment is the national currency. 

Do you think the stores in your country will accept Gram?