How To Buy Telegram Cryptocurrency. The Most Promising Cryptocurrency Of 2018

6 years ago

You definitely know that the Telegram team is developing a blockchain platform called TON, and that Pavel Durov is soon to release his own cryptocurrency — GRAM. Here’s the interesting question: isn’t it the time already to buy some tokens from Durov and how can it be done?

We are gonna discuss the GRAM cryptocurrency, who already became the lucky owner, and when will it become publicly available.

What is Gram?

Gram is a cryptocurrency powered by TON blockchain which is being developed using Telegram messenger framework. Gram is primarily focused on the messenger users. By the way, it is estimated that the audience will have exceeded 400 mln users by the full-scale launch of the network.

The Gram coin will become universal payment option inside the messenger. You’ll be able to purchase various services of the TON platform, as well as buy products, place orders on other services and simply transfer the coins to another user. All these operations will be available within one application, on the palm of your hand.

Of course, the Gram roadmap implies listings on the stock exchanges, collaboration with banks and payment systems. All this partnership is aimed at a functionality of exchanging between the virtual money of the messenger and the standard currency.

Who has already bought Gram?

Officially, no one in the world has bought Gram coins yet. Instead, Pavel Durov held a few rounds of private ICO as means to purchase a contract for the consequent acquirement of the cryptocurrency.

According to the documents submitted by the Telegram Group company to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, two rounds of private ICO were held to sell Gram tokens. The participation required large investors only, who could invest around $1 mln per private person or $10 mln dollars per legal entity. During the first and the second round of the sale, $850 mln were raised per round. This way, the moneybox of TON ICO has accommodated $1.7 bln.

When will there be a public ICO?

Everything points in the direction that there won’t be a public ICO of Gram tokens. Pavel Durov has two good reasons for that.

First of all, Pavel is not a poor person. He doesn’t intend to make an overkill profit for personal gain. According to the information at hand, $1.7 mln is quite enough to develop the TON platform. There’s simply no necessity in having further sales.

Secondly, Durov has reported to the US authorities on his raised funds for a certain reason. He thinks long-term and understands that the success of his project largely depends on the actions of the world authorities, especially the United States of America. That’s why he is doing everything possible to ensure there won’t be any phantom menaces as it would have been in the case with recent blockings of the messenger in Russia.

So don’t bear a grudge against Durov, he didn’t hoard the Gram for himself, but rather he strategically planned ahead his actions and possible consequences because he is determined to execute his project perfectly.

Okay, so where to buy Gram?

TON ICO has become the top event. Many investors and generic Telegram users have been waiting to this day for an opportunity to join the project, which essentially has got exploited by the scammers.

The Internet may show many websites that are posing as the TON platform and offering to buy tokens. Apart from this, there are fraudulent spam and Telegram channels that are luring people in to buy Gram. To that extent, even some crypto stock exchanges have listed the doppelganger tokens with a similar name.

Besides the usual schemes, there are clever frauds out there that pose as large investors who were lucky to participate in the private TON ICO and are now ready to resell a part of their tokens with an extra charge.

Remember, all these paths are fake as the Gram cryptocurrency is not being sold in public. If Durov changes his mind and launches a public ICO or if Gram officially gets listed on stock exchanges, we will definitely let you know. Until then, anyone who offers to purchase Gram is a scammer.

Let’s wait for a platform launch and a public circulation of tokens

The launch of the TON blockchain is set in October 2019. This is the deadline for the project’s team as investors were promised to receive the funds back if the platform will not have been finished by the set date.

We’ll be following the news and notifying you of all details pertaining the development of the TON platform. Until then, how about you watch a video about how promising the Gram cryptocurrency is, because it has all the chances to top the Bitcoin position.